Learn what an auto insurance deductible is and how it affects your 汽车pp王者电子官网 coverage.
我们需要 汽车pp王者电子官网 以符合我们的预算. But beyond that, many of us still ask ourselves, "What auto insurance should I get?“关键是要知道什么是免赔额 pp王者电子官网 它们是什么以及它们如何 影响汽车pp王者电子官网 so that you can personalize your coverage to fit your needs and budget.
Put simply, a deductible is the amount that you agree to pay up front for a covered insurance claim. 然后pp王者电子官网公司, 在大多数情况下, covers the additional amount to repair or replace your 车辆 up to your coverage limit.
例如, 如果你提出2美元的pp王者电子官网索赔,你的pp王者电子官网有500美元的免赔额, 你先付500美元,然后再付剩下的1美元,500美元由你的pp王者电子官网公司支付.
When purchasing your 汽车pp王者电子官网 policy, you get to select a deductible. 免赔额通常适用于每次索赔. 根据 WalletHub在美国,最常见的免赔额是500美元. 当选择你的汽车pp王者电子官网免赔额, think about how much you're willing to pay out of pocket if you need to make a claim. Weigh that against the fact that higher deductibles generally mean lower premiums, 但更高的自付成本. 较低的免赔额通常转化为较高的保费. It really comes down to your financial situation and what makes you the most comfortable. You can ask your insurance agent to run quotes with different deductibles so that you can compare and make the best choice for you.
汽车 insurance policies generally consist of several kinds of pp王者电子官网. 因为pp王者电子官网法因州而异, the following information is 在这里 to give you a broad overview of typical pp王者电子官网, 而且这不是合同声明.
汽车责任pp王者电子官网, 限额由被pp王者电子官网人选择, pays for the damage if you're legally responsible for injuring someone, or for damaging another 车辆 (or other property) in an auto crash. 不需要赔偿责任免赔额.
- 人身伤害责任: medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages and other special damages
- 财产损害责任:损坏的财产,可能包括失去使用
责任pp王者电子官网 同时支付法律辩护和法庭费用. 州法律通常规定所需的最低pp王者电子官网金额, 但可供使用的数量更高.
这种pp王者电子官网只在某些州有效. It pays your (or another covered driver's) reasonable and necessary medical expenses for treatment caused by an auto crash. 它还可以支付:
- 康复
- 收入损失
- 更换服务(e.g.(如父母有残疾,则须照顾儿童)
- 丧葬费
这种pp王者电子官网在许多州都有. It pays for necessary medical and funeral expenses for those covered when the expenses are caused by an auto crash. 医疗支付范围 因州和具体政策而异. 医疗支付pp王者电子官网不需要免赔额.
碰撞的报道 helps pay for loss or damage from a crash to a covered 车辆 caused by the following and usually requires a deductible:
- 与其他车辆相撞
- 与物体碰撞
这种pp王者电子官网有助于赔偿被pp王者电子官网人的损失或损害, covered 车辆 that is not caused by a collision or 车辆 rollover. 这类损害或损失的例子包括:
- 火
- 风
- 冰雹
- 洪水
- 破坏公物
- 盗窃
- 打动物
全面的覆盖 on your auto insurance usually requires a deductible but certain policies may have no deductible.
This coverage pays for damages if you or another covered person is injured in an auto crash or struck as a pedestrian caused by a driver who does not have liability insurance. 在一些州,它也可能支付财产损失. pp王者电子官网范围因州和政策规定而异. 这种pp王者电子官网通常不需要免赔额. 没有pp王者电子官网的司机 coverage is subject to a policy limit chosen by the insured.
This coverage pays for damages if you or another covered person is injured in an auto crash or struck as a pedestrian caused by another driver who is considered to be underinsured as defined by the policy. 它因州而异,取决于政策规定. 保额不足司机 coverage is subject to a policy limits chosen by the insured.
This coverage pays for rental expenses if your car is disabled due to a covered loss. 每日津贴是根据你选择的pp王者电子官网范围而定.
路边援助 coverage pays for roadside assistance such as having your auto towed due to a breakdown or getting back into your locked car.
This coverage extends your existing coverage from your personal auto policy to help cover you when you 用你的私家车为拼车公司开车 比如Lyft或Uber. Coverage varies by state and some state-specific requirements may apply.
不幸的是,没有非黑即白的答案 你需要多少汽车pp王者电子官网. It depends a lot on what pp王者电子官网 you need and the amount of deductible or policy limits you feel comfortable with. The 状态 Farm® 个人价格计划® helps you create an affordable price (just for you) or you may contact a 州立农场代理 今天来看看什么适合你.1